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Ultrafil Air Systems (I) Pvt. Ltd. is professional managed company who are in to manufacturing of air filter for clean room. HVAC and clean room equipments, we have seperate team for validation and calibration of various clean room, equipment, instruments etc.
1) Ultrafil can provide a comprehensive test and maiantainance solution for virtually any clean air device or clean room facility. We are committed to our clients needs and aim to be the preferred choice for clean room validation. We can submit protocol as per client requirement DQ,IQ,OQ,& PQ.
2) The validation report describes in detail the test programme and quantifies all results and measurements. Test reports include all the test sheets for laminar flow cabinets,safelty cabinets,isolators clean room, fume cupboards etc. Each sheet has been devised to cover all the requirements of the relevant standard. Airborne particle count sheets include printouts of all the airborne particle counts taken on site.
3) We can validate to all international standards including ISO14644:1999EEC GMP:2002,FedStd 209EEC GMP:2002,FedStd 209E:1992,BS 5295:1989and IES-RP-cc006.2 etc.
4) Test certificates certify that the room or device which was tested meets the relevant standard. The plans section will include drawings of all the areas surveyed. Showing airborne particle count positions. Differential pressures and other information appropriate to the validatoin. Calibration certificates are included for instruments used in the test programme.
Each page in the report is numbered consecutively and is embossed to prevent duplication. Reports are produced as soon as possible after the work is done and we are always looking for ways in which technology can speed up this process.