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Development by Paul Studio



The basic operation of a dehumidifier is similar to that of an air conditioner. In fact, an air conditioner has some dehumidifying properties, although it is not as effective at dealing with the high humidity levels that we’re talking about. The dehumidifier contains a cooling coil that draws heat from the air and also draws humidity with it, much like an air conditioner.

A fan is responsible for drawing in the air moving through the HVAC system into the humidifier, where it then comes into contact with the cooling coil. The moisture that collects along the coil drips down into a reservoir that removes the water out to the wastewater system. Since this process also cools down the air, a reheater returns the air to its original temperature so it will not cause an imbalance from the air conditioning system.

Technical Specifications


Ambient Temp (°C) , Ambient RH %

Surrounding Temp (°C) , Surrounding RH %

Desired Temp (°C) , Desired RH %

Room Volume (m³) , Door Area (m²)

No. of doors , Door Opening/hr

No. of seconds door is kept open

Fixed Opening area (m²) – if any (Eg. Conveyor opening)

No. of fixed openings

Production/Product moisture load-if any

Infiltration (CFM) , Exfiltration (CFM)

Fresh Air (CFM) , Room in +ve /-ve pressure?

No. of Active people , AHU (CFM)

CHW Temp.

Type of Dehumidifier Reactivation(Electrical/Steam/Gas)

Pressure of Steam(If Steam Reactivation)

Temperature of Gas(If Gas Reactivation)

Type of System (Recirculation / Once through)

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